Ananda Therapy


ShiatsuGong Bath/Sound therapy, Mindfulness Training, Bach Flower Therapy

AnandaDance, TranceDance, NajaYoga schedule   2019

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English and German speaking (Spanish, Italian and French understanding and a bit speaking too:) shiatsu practitioner and mindfulness coach  in Bratislava.

16  years of practice, interesting results

Individual Body/Mind and Mindfulness coaching

Due to my  long and neverending studies and passion for body/mind work, any shiatsu or other session can result into therapeutic body/mind work, which includes movement, breathing, free flow work and so on.

The organic approach is emphasized and follows the requirements of the individual client with respect to her/his own tempo and tendencies.


Organic blend of  conscious `till ecstatic movement and dance, voice work and TranceDance for groups.

It brings more juice into your life, enhances the everyday creativity, releases physical and psychological blocks – from being stuck to free flowing.

It is suitable for every body/mind, that wants to connect not only with her/himself, but also with others and more – in many “mysterious” ways…

Important: at AD we don`t take anything seriously, but everything we do, we do with 100 percent commitment. It is commited, playfull, sometimes funny, sometimes joyous, euphoric, sometimes sad or heavy, light or fiery

Ananda means joy or bliss and it is not a coincidence:))) This practice can also be your way to ananda…


This is an organic blend of kundalini yoga, hathayoga and qi gong combining movement, breath, sometimes voice. Each class is led according to the needs of the participants. Mostly addressing spinal and breathing problems.

NajaYoga is a result of my 30years of studying and experimenting with human body/mind movement.

This is offered as one to one or group format.

Gong Bath/Gong sound journeys/Sound massage

This is an immersion into the vast ocean of sounds of two big gongs, two small gongs and few other harmonizing instruments.

It brings deep relaxation, mental and physical cleansing and regeneration. It makes you feel alive and radiant.

This is offered as one to one or group format.

About me

Nina Jassinger, my background is in interdisciplinary studies of Art History and Aesthetics with Psychology and Philosophy. Parallel to this I studied pantomime, different theatrical and paratheatrical approaches, yoga, butoh. I am trained in shiatsu, TranceDance facilitating (by Wilbert Alix) and Gong Bath offering (by Don Conreaux). I spent intense 11 years on Gabrielle Roth’s 5 rhythms path with her then faculty members and herself.

I am a lifelong student of diverse body/mind approaches and of everything I am passionate about… and it`s a looot:))

Private practice and group work since 2000.

Main influences on my body/mind work: Rudolf Laban, Etienne Decroux, Jerzy Grotowski, *Boris Hybner, Bolek Polivka, *Jan V. Kratochvil, *Peter Scherhaufer, *Frantisek Veres, Richard Schechner, *Viktor Frankl, *Anton Adasinsky, *Min Tanaka, *Yaacov D. Khan, *Ida Kelarova, Anna Halprin, *Gabrielle Roth, *Andrea Juhan,  *Wilbert Alix, *Sashar Zarif,  *Zygmunt Molik, *Rena Mirecka, Alexander Lowen, *Alessandra Belloni, * Ebba Boyesen

* = in person

Collaborations   with

David Jelinek/Belgium


Luca Loreti/Italy


Martin Quintela/Uruguay


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