AnandaDance/Path to Joy and Healing


Welcome to the organic blend of conscious movement, ecstatic dance, voice work and TranceDance!

We move, dance, shake, shiver, humm, shout, sing to fully experience and celebrate the fact that we are alive.

Being truly alive means joyfull feeling, smelling, breathing, transforming all colours of life, all our ups and downs and thus incessantly and automatically healing ourselves and others.

Our tools for training attention, rising awareness and opening “the doors of perception” are movement meditations, creative physical exercises and bodywork,  organic voice work,  free form ecstatic dance and TranceDance.

Further we use artistic expressive tools in another, non artistic environment,  in ritual and healing context. Meaning the use of voice, theatrical forms, painting, mask making and moving, writing as an organic extension of  inner and outer movement of the human body/mind.

Which actually brings us spiralling backward and forward to and from the ancient syncretic ways of perception, expression and communication.

It is the constant and neverending movement towards our sources and back. And that is the dance of life.  In this respect we all are entitled to become artists and shape our life day by day anew.

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