Gong Bath – a group experience
30. 7. 2019
Venue: Vitaja, Ventúrska 3, Bratislava (Old Town city center)
Time: 6.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Gong Bath is a very direct gateway into the meditative state of mind and expanded consciousness. It harmonizes and energizes your whole body/mind and the mighty sound waves are vibrating and massaging every cell of yours. You will be immersed and floating in the sound ocean of 4 beautiful and powerfull gongs and several other harmonizing instruments.
Apply at: text message or call 00421-903 177 281 (Nina Jassingerová)
You can also call for individual sessions anytime ( 1 – 3 people at once) at Kramáre, Bratislava
Your sound guide: Nina Jassingerová, providing sound therapy and gong baths since 2012
AnandaDance workshop
28. 9. 2019
Venue: Pezinok
Time: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Apply at: (Jana Račková – Vyskočil)
Price: 25 Euro
All expats are very welcome. All Ananda classes and workshops are simultaniously held in English.
Dynamic relaxation through conscious movement and free form intuitive dance. Abreaction, relaxation, regeneration. Meeting yourself and others in unexpected ways.
A space for being yourself, for shaking off and transforming emotional and thought overload.
Your guide: Nina Jassingerová, therapist, certified TranceDance facilitator and creator of NajaYoga and AnandaDance – organic body/mind work via movement, dance and voice work (30 years of study, 17 years of work with groups)
NajaYoga/individual sessions at Kramáre, Bratislava
NajaYoga is a treasure box of body, breath, voice work. I have a large scale of various methods and techniques at hand, which I use according to your needs and condition.
Price: 1 person/60 min./30 Euro
TranceDance ritual
A blindfolded mover`s, dancer`s, shaker`s inner journey into the vast realm of different layers of consciousness
Energizing, recharging experience. Often brings sharp intuitive insight into everyday’s being stuck in some problem
with Nina Jassingerová, TranceDance facilitator trained in 2006 by Wilbert Alix